The Corgi Sighting Database

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Can Has moar

Can Has Moar
by Renee Kerslake ©
Displayed here with artist's permission. Do not copy, alter or redistribute.

You can see more Renee's art by clicking on the picture.

The Latest Update — September 12, 2024

(# of entries: 375)

Autumn 2024 update is here (and it's only a day late)!

Cozy mysteries make up one half of the update, with Chattering Chipmunks, A Fortunate Encounter and Quilt-Ridden being examples of such. The other half provides us with something of a rarity instead: a board game with prominent Corgi presence, InCORGnito. Two minor sightings, one in the British comedy movie Absolutely Anything and the other in a defunct web comic Drunken Cat round things up this Semptember.

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Corgi rubber stamps images originally produced by Catch A Falling Star

In Memoriam

Go to Sanna's memorial page
Go to Rassi's memorial page Go to Ripa's memorial page Go to Tikru's memorial page
Go to Rosti's memorial page Go to Kamu's memorial page

Corgi Sighting Database created and maintained by Jouni Pohjola

Designed with NOTEPAD