Updated December 11, 2024
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- The Place of Dead Trees is mostly for printed word and pictures, but it also features net comics and all the other stuff where the pictures on the main do not move or do not exist in the first place.
- The Sons of Celluloid holds all the movies, TV-shows and the like: basically, if it has pictures that move then it is found there.
If you want to track down books (etc.) belonging to different series with corgis in them, check out the series page.
Don't forget to check the contributor credits and the wanted page!
By the way of navigating instructions...
When you click on the arrow-with-Pembroke symbol

you go "one up", that is to say to the top of the page from the end, or to the previous page if at the top. Going up also happens if you click on the separating line between entries on the actual database pages listed above. Mostly you'll need to rely on the basic functions of your web browser though. Sorry about that but have fun anyway!
- Books
- Accidental Tourist, The
- Ace: The Very Important Pig
- Adventures with Scamp
- Barn And the Book, The
- Beanie The Corgi Goes To Washington, DC Coloring Book
- Betrayal at the B&B
- Bickering Birds
- Big Cat Nap, The
- Brat Pack
- Brood Bitch: A Mother's Reflection
- Calculated Risk
- Cardigan Corgi Capers
- Case of the Abandoned Bones
- Case of the Chatty Roadrunner
- Case of the Dysfunctional Daredevils
- Case of the Fleet-Footed Mummy
- Case of the Great Cranberry Caper
- Case of the Highland House Haunting
- Case of the Holiday Hijinks
- Case of the Muffin Murders
- Case of the One-Eyed Tiger
- Case of the Ostentatious Otters
- Case of the Pilfered Pooches
- Case of the Shady Shamrock
- Cat of the Century
- Cat On The Scent
- Catch As A Cat Can
- Cat's Eyewitness
- Chaotic Corgis
- Chattering Chipmunks
- Church Castle Corgis
- Celebrating with Scamp
- Claws and Effect
- Claws for Alarm
- Cold Nose for Murder, A
- Cora Cassidy and the Craven Corgi
- Corgi Chronicles, The
- Corgi Confessions
- Corgi Games, The
- Corgi Haven
- Corgi in the Cowboy Hat, The
- Corgi in the Cupcakes
- Corgi Megan Discovers the Redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains
- Corgi Tale, A
- Corgi's Tale, A
- Corgihouse Weihnachtspostamt, Das
- Corgis!
- Corgis: One
- Corgis: Two
- Corgis Rule!
- Corgis Rule Again!
- Corgiville Christmas
- Corgiville Fair
- Cooper
- Courageous Corgi, The
- Cowpie Corgi
- Crook'd
- Cruel Candy
- Death March
- Deceit on Dorset Drive
- Despicable Desserts
- Diamond in the Ruff
- Dog For Richard, A
- Dog-Tagged
- Dogpyre Syndrome, The
- Dogzilla
- Embroidering the Truth
- Evil Elves
- Fall to Pieces
- False Papers
- Fear at the Ferris Wheel
- Feral Darkness, A
- Fifteen Shades of Merle
- Final Entry
- Finding Mr. Right
- Fit To Be Tied
- Flanerie Will Get You Nowhere
- Flash Flood
- Fortunate Encounter, A
- Fortune's Favors
- Fortune's Wheel
- Furmidable Foes
- Garry — The Story Of A Dog
- Ghastly Gadgets
- Giftdogs Gift To Santa, A — A Doggy Christmas
- Girl Who Got Her Tiger On, The
- Gladwyn Goes To Town
- Gone to the Dogs
- Good Fortunes
- Great Corgiville Kidnapping, The
- Hair of the Dog
- Has Anyone Seen Winnie and Jean?
- Henry the Queen’s Corgi
- Hiss Before Dying, A
- Hiss of Death
- Home Again
- Ice Cream Airlines Goes To London
- Izzy and Poe
- Jingo & Skipper (note: a short story)
- Judgement
- Just Desert
- Kind Little Dog, The
- Kindness of Strangers, The
- Knot a Clue
- Knot What It Seams
- Litter of the Law, The
- Little Dog Lost
- Little Red Hen: An Old Fable, The
- Magic Lemonade
- Malevolent Magic
- Maritime Summer
- Meddlesome Money
- Medium Rare
- Megan, A Welsh Corgi
- Minerva Clark Goes to the Dogs
- Murder Always Barks Twice
- Murder and Misfortune
- Murder At Monticello
- Murder Before Christmas, The
- Murder On The Prowl
- Musings of a Horse Farm Corgi
- Murder She Meowed
- Nepi ja paras koiravahti
- Nepi, onnenkoira
- Never Con a Corgi
- Nine Lives to Die
- Oh Canada!
- On Pins and Needles
- Onni uikkupolulla — Koiramainen lintuopas
- Panic at the Pier
- Paperboy, The
- Patch of Trouble
- Pawing Through The Past
- Pay Dirt — Or Adventures At Ash Lawn
- Penny's Day Out
- Perilous Pottery
- Phony Photos
- Precarious Pasta
- Pressed for Time
- Probable Claws
- Pupsicles
- Purrfect Murder, The
- Puss'n Cahoots
- Quarrelsome Quartz
- Queen And I, The
- Queen Camilla
- Queen's Corgi, The
- Queen’s Holiday, The
- Quilt or Innocence
- Quilt-Ridden
- Quilt Trip
- Ralph Investigates
- Ralph to the Rescue
- Ralphie Meets the Queen
- Rest In Pieces (Mrs. Murphy Mysteries)
- Rest in Pieces (A Southern Quilting Mystery)
- Reversal of Fortune
- Rex Q.C.
- Santa Clawed
- Savage Sourdough
- Scamp's 12 Days of Christmas
- Scamp's Day at the Art Museum
- Scamp's Day at the Beach
- Scarlett On The Case
- Secret of the Dragon, The
- Shear Trouble
- Shepherding Sam
- Short, Sweet and Scamp
- Shorty
- Sinnabar
- Sneaky Pie for President
- Sorceress of Stoney Brook, The
- Sour Puss
- Southern Discomfort
- Spider's Web in the Green Mountains
- Star Nose
- Susan
- Taffy und die Weihnachtsäpfelchen
- Taikalimonaadi
- Tail Gait
- Tail of the Tip-Off, The
- Tale of The Fluffy Corgi, The
- Tall Tail
- Teddies Weihnachten
- Titus Rules!
- Titus Rules OK!
- To Fetch a Felon
- Traitorous Toys
- Trick-or-Treating with Scamp
- Turned Adrift
- Tying the Knot
- Under the Tucson Sun
- Vengeful Vellum
- Voyage of the Dogs
- Walk on the Wild Side, A
- Watching, The: A Corgi Christmas Journey
- Watching, The: Corgi Christmas Miracles
- Watching, The: A Corgi Christmas Tale
- Watching, The: A Corgi Puppy's Christmas Surprise
- Wedgie & Gizmo
- Wedgie & Gizmo vs. the Great Outdoors
- Wedgie & Gizmo vs. the Toof
- Weihnachten für Bärli
- Whisker of Evil
- Whiskers in the Dark
- Wicked Wildlife
- Wil Deft
- Wish You Were Here
- Woofs of Wisdom on Writing
- Zelda And The Corgis
- Comics, graphic novels & cartoons
- Games
- Movies
- Movies, animated
- Music videos
- TV, VOD and Internet movies
- TV-series
- TV-series, animated
- Minor sighting
- 101 Dalmatians (subcategory: Movie)
- 102 Dalmatians (subcategory: Movie)
- 2012 (subcategory: Movie)
- 9-1-1 (subcategory: TV-series)
- Aaagh! It's the Mister Hell Show! (subcategory: TV-series, animated)
- About A Boy (subcategory: Movie)
- Absolutely Anything (subcategory: Movie)
- All Dogs Go To Heaven (subcategory: Movie, animated)
- All for Love (subcategory: Book)
- Austin Powers In Goldmember (subcategory: Movie)
- Bangarang (subcategory: Music video)
- Beyond the Prophecy (subcategory: Book)
- BFG, The (subcategory: movie)
- Blue Chair, The (subcategory: book [a short story, really])
- Brokenwood Mysteries (subcategory: TV-series)
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine (subcategory: TV-series)
- Celtic Monsters: Demons (subcategory: TV-series)
- Creature Comforts (subcategory: TV-series, animated)
- Crown, The (subcategory: TV-series)
- Curious George (subcategory: TV-series, animated)
- Dark Tower, The (subcategory: Book)
- Darkest Hour (subcategory: Movie)
- Dave (subcategory: Movie)
- Death at Buckingham Palace (subcategory: Book)
- Death at Sandringham House (subcategory: Book)
- Death at Windsor Castle (subcategory: Book)
- Diamond Age, The (subcategory: Book)
- Diamond Geezer: A Royal Affair (subcategory: TV-series)
- Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant (subcategory: Book)
- Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned (subcategory: TV-series)
- Dog Dance of Snikia (subcategory: Book)
- Doggie Day Care Murder (subcategory: Book)
- Dogs (subcategory: Book)
- Dr. Nightingale Follows a Canine Clue (subcategory: Book)
- Drunken Cat Comics (subcategory: Comics, graphic novels & cartoons)
- Duke, The (subcategory: Movie)
- Eläinlääkäri vauhdissa (subcategory: Book)
- Enid Blyton's Jolly Story Book (subcategory: Book)
- Flushed Away (subcategory: movie, animated)
- Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties (subcategory: movie)
- Give us This Day (subcategory: Book)
- Grand Design, A (subcategory: Book)
- Great Christmas Candy Caper, The
- Haunted History: Haunted Ships (subcategory: TV-series)
- Hawaii Five-o (subcategory: TV-series)
- Hocus Pocus (subcategory: Movie)
- Hot Shots (subcategory: Movie)
- Hustle (subcategory: TV-series)
- In Her Shoes (subcategory: Movie)
- Irtiottoja (subcategory: TV-series)
- Johnny English (subcategory: Movie)
- King Ralph (subcategory: Movie)
- King's Speech, The (subcategory: Movie)
- Käenpesä (subcategory: TV-series)
- Legends of Tomorrow (subcategory: TV-series)
- Life After People (subcategory: TV-series)
- Little Mosque on the Prairie (subcategory: TV-series)
- Lola (subcategory: Comic)
- Lord is My Shepherd, The (subcategory: Book)
- Love Me Or Hate Me (subcategory: Music video)
- Lumikko ja yhdeksän muuta (subcategory: Book)
- Mapping Penny's World (subcategory: Book)
- Minions (subcategory: Movie, animated)
- Moh waan chue fong AKA Magic Kitchen (subcategory: Movie)
- Mortdecai (subcategory: Movie)
- Muuttuuko ihminen (subcategory: TV-show)
- My Hero (subcategory: TV-series)
- National Treasure: Book of Secrets (subcategory: movie)
- NCIS (subcategory: TV-series)
- Neutronium Alchemist, The (subcategory: Book)
- Night before Christmas, The (subcategory: Book)
- Nightmares & Dreamscapes (subcategory: TV-series)
- Nobody Wants to Play (subcategory: Book)
- Nothing In The Mailbox (subcategory: Book)
- Number 23, The (subcategory: Movie)
- Off The Leash: Memoirs Of A Royal Corgi (subcategory: Book)
- Patrik 1,5 (subcategory: Movie)
- Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! The (subcategory: Princess Bride, The (subcategory: Internet movie)
- Rabbit Back Literature Society, The (subcategory: Book)
- Regulators, The (subcategory: Book)
- Remarkable Farkle Mcbride, The (subcategory: Book)
- Sam & Fuzzy (subcategory: Comics, graphic novels & cartoons)
- Shaman's Curse, The (subcategory: Book)
- Sister Act (subcategory: Movie)
- Six Feet Under (subcategory: TV-series)
- Skull Panda (subcategry: Comics, graphic novels & cartoons)
- Slop! (subcategory: Book)
- Space Buddies (subcategory: movie)
- Spitting Image (subcategory: TV-series)
- Stargate SG-1 (subcategory: TV-series)
- Starlight Barking, The (subcategory: Book)
- This Hour Has 22 Minutes (subcategory: TV-series)
- Time To Keep — The Tasha Tudor Book of Holidays, A (subcategory: Book)
- Trip At The Brain (subcategory: Music video)
- Tupelo Rides the Rails (subcategory: Book)
- Tähtihaukku (subcategory: Book)
- Under the Dome (subcategory: Book)
- Very British Cover-up, A (subcategory: movie / short)
- Vet in a Spin (subcategory: Book)
- View, The (subcategory: TV-series)
- Voice of Prophecy, The (subcategory: Book)
- War of Magic (subcategory: Book)
- Will And Grace (subcategory: TV-series)
- Write & Wrong (subcategory: TV-movie)
- You Slay Me (subcategory: books)
- Cardigan
- About a Boy
- Absolutely Anything
- Accidental Tourist, The (novel)
- Accidental Tourist, The (movie)
- Beyond the Prophecy
- Bangarang
- Brat Pack
- Calculated Risk
- Cardigan Corgi Capers
- Corgi's Tale, A
- Crook'd
- Dave
- Death March
- Dharma & Greg
- Diggby
- Doggie Day Care Murder
- Dog-Tagged
- Dogzilla
- Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead
- En face
- False Papers
- Feral Darkness, A
- Fifteen Shades of Merle
- Final Entry
- Flash Flood
- Hair of the Dog
- Hot Shots
- Judgement
- Just Desert
- Logbooks Of The Travelling Travelall
- Mapping Penny's World
- Maritime Summer
- Medium Rare
- Number 23, The
- Oh Canada!
- Paperboy, The
- Patrik 1,5
- Robinson Crusoe
- Pupsicles
- Shaman's Curse, The
- Six Feet Under
- Southern Discomfort
- Teddies Weihnachten
- Under the Tucson Sun
- Voice of Prophecy, The
- Walk on the Wild Side, A
- War of Magic
- Weihnachten für Bärli
- Year of the Dog
- Pembroke
- 101 Dalmatians
- 101 Dalmatians II — Patch's London Adventure
- 102 Dalmatians
- 2012
- 9-1-1
- Ace: The Very Important Pig
- Adventures with Scamp
- All for Love
- Austin Powers In Goldmember
- Barn And the Book, The
- Beanie The Corgi Goes To Washington, DC Coloring Book
- Betrayal at the B&B
- BFG, The
- Bickering Birds
- Big Cat Nap, The
- Blue Chair, The
- Blue Hawaii
- Boku wa imouto ni koi wo suru (manga)
- Boku wa imouto ni koi wo suru (anime)
- Brokenwood Mysteries
- Brood Bitch: A Mother's Reflection
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- Case of the Abandoned Bones
- Case of the Chatty Roadrunner
- Case of the Dysfunctional Daredevils
- Case of the Fleet-Footed Mummy
- Case of the Great Cranberry Caper
- Case of the Highland House Haunting
- Case of the Holiday Hijinks
- Case of the Muffin Murders
- Case of the One-Eyed Tiger
- Case of the Ostentatious Otters
- Case of the Pilfered Pooches
- Cat of the Century
- Cat On The Scent
- Catch As A Cat Can
- Cat's Eyewitness
- Cats with Hands
- Celebrating with Scamp
- Celtic Monsters: Demons
- Chaotic Corgis
- Chattering Chipmunks
- Claws and Effect
- Claws for Alarm
- Cold Nose for Murder, A
- Cora Cassidy and the Craven Corgi
- Corgi Catch
- Corgi Comics
- Corgi Confessions
- Corgi Conspiracy, The
- Corgi Flop
- Corgi Games, The
- Corgi Haven
- Corgi in the Cowboy Hat, The
- Corgi in the Cupcakes
- Corgi Megan Discovers the Redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains
- Corgi Warlock
- Corgis!
- Corgis: One
- Corgis: Two
- Corgis Rule!
- Corgis Rule Again!
- Corgiville Christmas
- Corgiville Fair
- Cooper
- Courageous Corgi, The
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop (live action)
- Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no tobira
- Cowboy Bebop Manga
- Cowpie Corgi
- Creature Comforts
- Crown, The
- Crook'd
- Cruel Candy
- Curious George
- Curtain Calls and Fire Halls
- Dark Tower, The
- Darkest Hour
- Death at Buckingham Palace
- Death at Sandringham House
- Death at Windsor Castle
- Deceit on Dorset Drive
- Despicable Desserts
- Diamond Geezer: A Royal Affair
- Diamond in the Ruff
- Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
- Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned
- Dog Dance of Snikia
- Dog For Richard, A
- Doggie Day Care Murder
- Dogpyre Syndrome, The
- Dogs
- Dog's Purpose, A
- Dr. Nightingale Follows a Canine Clue
- Drunken Cat Comics
- Duke, The
- Easter Bunny Puppy, An
- Embroidering the Truth
- Enid Blyton's Jolly Story Book
- Evil Elves
- Fall to Pieces
- Fear at the Ferris Wheel
- Finding Mr. Right
- Flanerie Will Get You Nowhere
- Flushed Away
- Footrot Flats
- Fortunate Encounter, A
- Fortune's Favors
- Fortune's Wheel
- Furmidable Foes
- Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties
- Ghastly Gadgets
- Girl Who Got Her Tiger On, The
- Give us This Day
- Gladwyn Goes To Town
- Gone to the Dogs
- Good Fortunes
- Great Corgiville Kidnapping, The
- Hair of the Dog
- Happy and Glorious
- Has Anyone Seen Winnie and Jean?
- Haunted History: Haunted Ships
- Hawaii Five-o
- Heavenly Kibble Guardian Corgi
- Henry the Queen’s Corgi
- Hiss Before Dying, A
- Hiss of Death
- Hustle
- Ice Cream Airlines Goes To London
- Ichabod the Optimistic Canine
- In Her Shoes
- InCORGnito
- Irtiottoja
- It Happens Every Day
- Izzy and Poe
- Johnny English
- Jubilee
- Judgement
- Kind Little Dog, The
- Kindness of Strangers, The
- King Ralph
- King's Speech, The
- Knot a Clue
- Knot What It Seams
- Korgi — Book 1
- Korgi — Book 2
- Korgi — Book 3
- Korgi — Book 4
- Korgi — Book 5
- Korgi: Short Tails
- Kuutamosonaatti
- Käenpesä
- Legends of Tomorrow
- Life After People
- Litter of the Law, The
- Little Dog Lost
- Little Mosque on the Prairie
- Little Red Hen: An Old Fable, The
- Lola
- Lord is My Shepherd, The
- Love Me Or Hate Me
- Magic Lemonade
- Mahiru no Tsuki
- Malevolent Magic
- Meddlesome Money
- Medium Rare
- Megan, A Welsh Corgi
- Mike the Knight
- Minerva Clark Goes to the Dogs
- Minions
- Mockingbird
- Mortdecai
- Murder Always Barks Twice
- Murder and Misfortune
- Murder At Monticello
- Murder Before Christmas, The
- Murder On The Prowl
- Murder She Meowed
- Murder She Purred — A Mrs. Murphy Mystery
- Musings of a Horse Farm Corgi
- Muuttuuko ihminen
- My Hero
- National Treasure: Book of Secrets
- Never Con a Corgi
- Night before Christmas, The
- Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- Nine Lives to Die
- Nintendogs
- Nothing In The Mailbox
- Off The Leash: Memoirs Of A Royal Corgi
- On Pins and Needles
- Onni uikkupolulla — Koiramainen lintuopas
- Owly and Friends
- Panic at the Pier
- Patch of Trouble
- Pawing Through The Past
- Pay Dirt — Or Adventures At Ash Lawn
- Penny's Day Out
- Perilous Pottery
- Phony Photos
- Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! The
- Precarious Pasta
- Pressed for Time
- Princess Bride, The
- Probable Claws
- Purrfect Murder, The
- Puss'n Cahoots
- Quarrelsome Quartz
- Queen, The
- Queen And I, The
- Queen Camilla
- Queen's Corgi, The (animated movie)
- Queen's Corgi, The (book)
- Queen’s Holiday, The
- Quilt or Innocence
- Quilt-Ridden
- Quilt Trip
- Ralph Investigates
- Ralph to the Rescue
- Ralphie Meets the Queen
- Remarkable Farkle Mcbride, The
- Rest In Pieces (Mrs. Murphy Mysteries)
- Rest in Pieces (A Southern Quilting Mystery)
- Reversal of Fortune
- Rex Q.C.
- Sam & Fuzzy
- Santa Clawed
- Santa's Summer House
- Savage Sourdough
- Save The World
- Scamp's 12 Days of Christmas
- Scamp's Day at the Art Museum
- Scamp's Day at the Beach
- Scarlett On The Case
- Shear Trouble
- Shepherding Sam
- Short, Sweet and Scamp
- Sims 4, The
- Sinnabar
- Sneaky Pie for President
- So Haunt Me
- Socute the Corgi
- Sorceress of Stoney Brook, The
- Sour Puss
- Southern Discomfort
- Space Buddies
- Spider's Web in the Green Mountains
- Spitting Image
- Star Nose
- Stargate SG-1
- Starlight Barking, The
- Susan
- Taikalimonaadi
- Tail Gait
- Tail of the Tip-Off, The
- Tale of The Fluffy Corgi, The
- Tall Tail
- This Hour Has 22 Minutes
- Time To Keep — The Tasha Tudor Book of Holidays, A
- Titus Rules!
- Titus Rules OK!
- To Fetch a Felon
- Traitorous Toys
- Trick-or-Treating with Scamp
- Tupelo Rides the Rails
- Tying the Knot
- Tähtihaukku
- Under the Dome
- Very British Cover-up, A
- Very Corgi Christmas, A
- View, The
- Vote Dog
- Wedgie & Gizmo
- Wedgie & Gizmo vs. the Great Outdoors
- Wedgie & Gizmo vs. the Toof
- Whisker of Evil
- Whiskers in the Dark
- Wicked Wildlife
- Wil Deft
- Wish You Were Here
- Woofs of Wisdom on Writing
- Write & Wrong
- Xylia
- Zelda And The Corgis
- Mix
- Unknown or various
- Aaagh! It's the Mister Hell Show!
- All Dogs Go To Heaven
- Church Castle Corgis
- Corgihouse Weihnachtspostamt, Das
- Corgi Quest
- Corgi Quest 7
- Corgi Tale, A
- Diamond Age, The
- Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant
- Eläinlääkäri vauhdissa
- Giftdogs Gift To Santa, A — A Doggy Christmas
- Grand Design, A
- Great Christmas Candy Caper, The
- Home Again
- Infinity Train
- Little Dog Lost
- Lumikko ja yhdeksän muuta
- Nepi ja paras koiravahti
- Nepi, onnenkoira
- Neutronium Alchemist, The
- Nobody Wants to Play
- Rabbit Back Literature Society, The
- Regulators, The
- Secret of the Dragon, The
- Shorty
- Skull Panda
- Slop!
- Taffy und die Weihnachtsäpfelchen
- Vet in a Spin
- Vengeful Vellum
- Voyage of the Dogs
- Watching, The: A Corgi Christmas Journey
- Watching, The: Corgi Christmas Miracles
- Watching, The: A Corgi Christmas Tale
- Watching, The: A Corgi Puppy's Christmas Surprise
- Will And Grace
- You Slay Me
- 101 Dalmatians
- 101 Dalmatians II — Patch's London Adventure
- 102 Dalmatians
- 2012
- 9-1-1
- Aaagh! It's the Mister Hell Show!
- About a Boy
- Absolutely Anything
- Accidental Tourist, The (novel)
- Accidental Tourist, The (movie)
- Ace: The Very Important Pig
- Adventures with Scamp
- All Dogs Go To Heaven
- All for Love
- Austin Powers In Goldmember
- Bangarang
- Barn And the Book, The
- Beanie The Corgi Goes To Washington, DC Coloring Book
- Betrayal at the B&B
- Beyond the Prophecy
- BFG, The
- Bickering Birds
- Big Cat Nap, The
- Blue Chair, The
- Blue Hawaii
- Boku wa imouto ni koi wo suru (manga)
- Boku wa imouto ni koi wo suru (anime)
- Brat Pack
- Brokenwood Mysteries
- Brood Bitch: A Mother's Reflection
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- Calculated Risk
- Cardigan Corgi Capers
- Case of the Abandoned Bones
- Case of the Chatty Roadrunner
- Case of the Dysfunctional Daredevils
- Case of the Fleet-Footed Mummy
- Case of the Great Cranberry Caper
- Case of the Highland House Haunting
- Case of the Holiday Hijinks
- Case of the Muffin Murders
- Case of the One-Eyed Tiger
- Case of the Ostentatious Otters
- Case of the Pilfered Pooches
- Case of the Shady Shamrock
- Cat of the Century
- Cat On The Scent
- Cat's Eyewitness
- Catch As A Cat Can
- Cats with Hands
- Chaotic Corgis
- Chattering Chipmunks
- Church Castle Corgis
- Celebrating with Scamp
- Claws and Effect
- Claws for Alarm
- Cold Nose for Murder, A
- Cora Cassidy and the Craven Corgi
- Corgi Catch
- Corgi Comics
- Corgi Confessions
- Corgi Conspiracy, The
- Corgi Flop
- Corgi Games, The
- Corgi Haven
- Corgi in the Cowboy Hat, The
- Corgi in the Cupcakes
- Corgi Megan Discovers the Redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains
- Corgi Quest
- Corgi Quest 7
- Corgi Tale, A
- Corgi Warlock
- Corgi's Tale, A
- Corgihouse Weihnachtspostamt, Das
- Corgis!
- Corgis: One
- Corgis: Two
- Corgis Rule!
- Corgis Rule Again!
- Corgiville Christmas
- Corgiville Fair
- Cooper
- Courageous Corgi, The
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop (live action)
- Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no tobira
- Cowboy Bebop Manga
- Cowpie Corgi
- Creature Comforts
- Crown, The
- Cruel Candy
- Curious George
- Curtain Calls and Fire Halls
- Death March
- Dark Tower, The
- Darkest Hour
- Dave
- Death at Buckingham Palace
- Death at Sandringham House
- Death at Windsor Castle
- Deceit on Dorset Drive
- Despicable Desserts
- Dharma & Greg
- Diamond Age, The
- Diamond Geezer: A Royal Affair
- Diamond in the Ruff
- Diggby
- Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant
- Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
- Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned
- Dog Dance of Snikia
- Dog For Richard, A
- Doggie Day Care Murder
- Dog-Tagged
- Dogpyre Syndrome, The
- Dogs
- Dog's Purpose, A
- Dogzilla
- Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead
- Dr. Nightingale Follows a Canine Clue
- Drunken Cat Comics
- Duke, The
- Easter Bunny Puppy, An
- Eläinlääkäri vauhdissa
- Embroidering the Truth
- En face
- Enid Blyton's Jolly Story Book
- Evil Elves
- Fall to Pieces
- False Papers
- Fear at the Ferris Wheel
- Feral Darkness, A
- Fifteen Shades of Merle
- Final Entry
- Finding Mr. Right
- Flanerie Will Get You Nowhere
- Flash Flood
- Flushed Away
- Footrot Flats
- Fortunate Encounter, A
- Fortune's Favors
- Fortune's Wheel
- Furmidable Foes
- Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties
- Garry — The Story Of A Dog
- Ghastly Gadgets
- Giftdogs Gift To Santa, A — A Doggy Christmas
- Girl Who Got Her Tiger On, The
- Give us This Day
- Gladwyn Goes To Town
- Gone to the Dogs
- Good Fortunes
- Grand Design, A
- Great Christmas Candy Caper, The
- Great Corgiville Kidnapping, The
- Hair of the Dog (short story)
- Hair of the Dog (board game)
- Happy and Glorious
- Has Anyone Seen Winnie and Jean?
- Haunted History: Haunted Ships
- Hawaii Five-o
- Heavenly Kibble Guardian Corgi
- Henry the Queen’s Corgi
- Hiss Before Dying, A
- Hiss of Death
- Hocus Pocus
- Home Again
- Hot Shots
- Hustle
- Ice Cream Airlines Goes To London
- Ichabod the Optimistic Canine
- In Her Shoes
- InCORGnito
- Infinity Train
- Irtiottoja
- It Happens Every Day
- Izzy and Poe
- Jingo & Skipper (note: a short story)
- Johnny English
- Jubilee
- Just Desert
- Käenpesä
- Kind Little Dog, The
- Kindness of Strangers, The
- King Ralph
- King's Speech, The
- Knot a Clue
- Knot What It Seams
- Korgi — Book 1
- Korgi — Book 2
- Korgi — Book 3
- Korgi — Book 4
- Korgi — Book 5
- Korgi: Short Tails
- Kuutamosonaatti
- Legends of Tomorrow
- Life After People
- Litter of the Law, The
- Little Dog Lost (TV-movie)
- Little Dog Lost (children's book)
- Little Mosque on the Prairie
- Little Red Hen: An Old Fable, The
- Logbooks Of The Travelling Travelall
- Lola
- Lord is My Shepherd, The
- Love Me Or Hate Me
- Lumikko ja yhdeksän muuta
- Magic Lemonade
- Mahiru no Tsuki
- Malevolent Magic
- Mapping Penny's World
- Maritime Summer
- Meddlesome Money
- Megan, A Welsh Corgi
- Mike the Knight
- Minerva Clark Goes to the Dogs
- Minions
- Mockingbird
- Moh waan chue fong AKA Magic Kitchen
- Mortdecai
- Murder Always Barks Twice
- Murder and Misfortune
- Murder At Monticello
- Murder Before Christmas, The
- Murder On The Prowl
- Murder She Meowed
- Murder She Purred — A Mrs. Murphy Mystery
- Musings of a Horse Farm Corgi
- Muuttuuko ihminen
- My Hero
- National Treasure: Book of Secrets
- Nepi ja paras koiravahti
- Nepi, onnenkoira
- Neutronium Alchemist, The
- Never Con a Corgi
- Night before Christmas, The
- Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- Nine Lives to Die
- Nintendogs
- Nobody Wants to Play
- Nothing In The Mailbox
- Number 23, The
- Off The Leash: Memoirs Of A Royal Corgi
- Oh Canada!
- On Pins and Needles
- Onni uikkupolulla — Koiramainen lintuopas
- Owly and Friends
- Panic at the Pier
- Paperboy, The
- Patch of Trouble
- Patrik 1,5
- Pawing Through The Past
- Pay Dirt — Or Adventures At Ash Lawn
- Penny's Day Out
- Perilous Pottery
- Phony Photos
- Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! The
- Precarious Pasta
- Pressed for Time
- Princess Bride, The
- Probable Claws
- Pupsicles
- Purrfect Murder, The
- Puss'n Cahoots
- Quarrelsome Quartz
- Queen, The
- Queen And I, The
- Queen Camilla
- Queen's Corgi, The (animated movie)
- Queen's Corgi, The (book)
- Queen’s Holiday, The
- Quilt or Innocence
- Quilt-Ridden
- Quilt Trip
- Rabbit Back Literature Society, The
- Ralph Investigates
- Ralph to the Rescue
- Ralphie Meets the Queen
- Regulators, The
- Remarkable Farkle Mcbride, The
- Rest In Pieces (Mrs. Murphy Mysteries)
- Rest in Pieces (A Southern Quilting Mystery)
- Reversal of Fortune
- Rex Q.C.
- Robinson Crusoe
- Sam & Fuzzy
- Santa Clawed
- Santa's Summer House
- Savage Sourdough
- Save The World
- Scamp's 12 Days of Christmas
- Scamp's Day at the Art Museum
- Scamp's Day at the Beach
- Scarlett On The Case
- Secret of the Dragon, The
- Shaman's Curse, The
- Shear Trouble
- Shepherding Sam
- Short, Sweet and Scamp
- Shorty
- Sims 4, The
- Sinnabar
- Sister Act
- Six Feet Under
- Skull Panda
- Slop!
- Sneaky Pie for President
- So Haunt Me
- Socute the Corgi
- Sorceress of Stoney Brook, The
- Sour Puss
- Spider's Web in the Green Mountains
- Space Buddies
- Spitting Image
- Star Nose
- Stargate SG-1
- Starlight Barking, The
- Susan
- Taffy und die Weihnachtsäpfelchen
- Taikalimonaadi
- Tail Gait
- Tail of the Tip-Off, The
- Tale of The Fluffy Corgi, The
- Tall Tail
- Teddies Weihnachten
- This Hour Has 22 Minutes
- Time To Keep — The Tasha Tudor Book of Holidays, A
- Titus Rules!
- Titus Rules OK!
- To Fetch a Felon
- Traitorous Toys
- Trick-or-Treating with Scamp
- Trip At The Brain
- Tupelo Rides the Rails
- Tying the Knot
- Tähtihaukku
- Under the Dome
- Turned Adrift
- Under the Tucson Sun
- Vengeful Vellum
- Very British Cover-up, A
- Very Corgi Christmas, A
- Vet in a Spin
- View, The
- Voice of Prophecy, The
- Vote Dog
- Voyage of the Dogs
- Walk on the Wild Side, A
- War of Magic
- Watching, The: A Corgi Christmas Journey
- Watching, The: A Corgi Christmas Tale
- Watching, The: Corgi Christmas Miracles
- Watching, The: A Corgi Puppy's Christmas Surprise
- Wedgie & Gizmo
- Wedgie & Gizmo vs. the Great Outdoors
- Wedgie & Gizmo vs. the Toof
- Whisker of Evil
- Whiskers in the Dark
- Weihnachten für Bärli
- Wicked Wildlife
- Wil Deft
- Will And Grace
- Wish You Were Here
- Woofs of Wisdom on Writing
- Write & Wrong
- Xylia
- Year of the Dog
- You Slay Me
- Zelda And The Corgis
The following people — plus many others whose names I have unfortunately forgotten )-:) — have contributed sightings to CSDb:
Edie Bain, Beth Bakenhus, Susan Bemus, Karen Bender, Pam Bliss, Teresa A. Brown, Kara Butterworth, David R. Campbell, Carolyn Cannon, Kathleen Connor-Litchman, Pati Craven,
Carolyn Daugherty, Ida Duplechin, Tammy Ferguson, Pamela Filbert, Celeste & Jim Fleming, Johanna Flinck, George Fordham, Jean Gordon, Raelene Gorlinsky,
Bill Gotthelf, Doug Hansford, Evelyn Hlabse, Cait Hunter, Linda Hutcheson, Minna Hyvönen, Chris Jernigan, Jaana Juponaho, Diana King,
Sanna Kuusela, Beverly Morgan Lewis, Meredith Mansfield, Mariann & Randi & Tracey, Barbara M., Marie Martin, John & Maribeth McCarthy,
Frank McDonough, Joleen Miller, Helinä Mäkelä, Barbara Nibling, Cindi Nicotera, Joanne Nilsson, Anita Nordlunde, Leo A. Notenboom,
Julie Olson, Patricia L. Olson, Camille Otto, Rachel C. Pawson, Maria P. Piasecki, Lisa Pisciotta, Jen Prince, Dillon Pyron, Cynthia A. Read,
Cathy Rathbone, Rex Reed, Victoria Rose, Anne Ruohonen, Juli Saito, Leena Sallas, Florence Scarinci, Yvon Savoie, Diana F. Scholl,
Karen Segboer, Jennifer L. Seward, Charlie Shafton, Annette Shepherd, Betsy Sholes, Steve Siemens, Dolores Simpson, Lee H. Skinner,
Ann Stephani, Ron Stewart, Karen Stickler, Duncan Stone, Amber Stults, Sue R. Sudekum, Duffy Thomas-Dale, Toni Tidwell, Helen Turin, Cherie Vergos, Chris Vrba,
Rachel C. Weathers, Stacey S. Weinberg, Laura Weiner, Tennille Whiteford, Sandy Woolworth
Finally, a general "thank you!" to various members of
The Columbia River Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club
for maintaining a list of corgi sightings I shamelessly pilfered from on their club site!
Thank you!
 |  | Updated December 11, 2024 |