The Corgi Sighting Database
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Don't forget to check the contributor credits and the wanted page!

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Corgi Breeds

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The following people — plus many others whose names I have unfortunately forgotten )-:) — have contributed sightings to CSDb:

Edie Bain, Beth Bakenhus, Susan Bemus, Karen Bender, Pam Bliss, Teresa A. Brown, Kara Butterworth, David R. Campbell, Carolyn Cannon, Kathleen Connor-Litchman, Pati Craven, Carolyn Daugherty, Ida Duplechin, Tammy Ferguson, Pamela Filbert, Celeste & Jim Fleming, Johanna Flinck, George Fordham, Jean Gordon, Raelene Gorlinsky, Bill Gotthelf, Doug Hansford, Evelyn Hlabse, Cait Hunter, Linda Hutcheson, Minna Hyvönen, Chris Jernigan, Jaana Juponaho, Diana King, Sanna Kuusela, Beverly Morgan Lewis, Meredith Mansfield, Mariann & Randi & Tracey, Barbara M., Marie Martin, John & Maribeth McCarthy, Frank McDonough, Joleen Miller, Helinä Mäkelä, Barbara Nibling, Cindi Nicotera, Joanne Nilsson, Anita Nordlunde, Leo A. Notenboom, Julie Olson, Patricia L. Olson, Camille Otto, Rachel C. Pawson, Maria P. Piasecki, Lisa Pisciotta, Jen Prince, Dillon Pyron, Cynthia A. Read, Cathy Rathbone, Rex Reed, Victoria Rose, Anne Ruohonen, Juli Saito, Leena Sallas, Florence Scarinci, Yvon Savoie, Diana F. Scholl, Karen Segboer, Jennifer L. Seward, Charlie Shafton, Annette Shepherd, Betsy Sholes, Steve Siemens, Dolores Simpson, Lee H. Skinner, Ann Stephani, Ron Stewart, Karen Stickler, Duncan Stone, Amber Stults, Sue R. Sudekum, Duffy Thomas-Dale, Toni Tidwell, Helen Turin, Cherie Vergos, Chris Vrba, Rachel C. Weathers, Stacey S. Weinberg, Laura Weiner, Tennille Whiteford, Sandy Woolworth

Finally, a general "thank you!" to various members of The Columbia River Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club for maintaining a list of corgi sightings I shamelessly pilfered from on their club site!

Thank you!

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